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Thailand is a country blessed with incredible beaches, food, and nightlife. It is also home to a good range of exotic animals like elephants, monkeys, lizards, gibbons, and bears. These are only a few animals that call Thailand home. So, excluding zoos are there tigers in Thailand?

There is a rough estimate of around 180 tigers thought to remain in the wild in Thailand’s national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Thailand is home to a number of species of a tiger such as the Indochinese tiger, Malayan tiger, panthers, Indochinese and clouded leopard.

In this post, we will go through their tigers in Thailand and more. Let’s get started!

Learn More About Thailand

What Kind Of Tigers Are In Thailand?

There are a number of species of tiger that live in Thailand. Most, if not all these tigers are either endangered or critically endangered. These are the main species of tigers in Thailand.

  • Indochinese tiger.
  • Malayan tiger.
  • Indochinese leopard.
  • Clouded leopard.
  • Marbled cat.
  • Jungle cat.
  • Asian golden cat.
  • Panthers.

Thailand is developing and passing laws to help protect the tigers making it illegal to hunt, trap, kill, sell, and transport tigers in Thailand.


Are There Tigers In Thailand?

Yes, there are tigers in Thailand but they are considered either endangered or critically endangered depending on the species of tiger. Tigers once did well in Thailand but there have become endangered in the wild because they were hunted. Along with a loss of habitat to farming and development is also a factor.

The hunting is fuelled by the ever-increasing demand for traditional Chinese medicine and for jewelry. Which uses tiger skin, bones, teeth, and claws. Along with farmers protecting their farms.

What Do The Tigers Eat In Thailand?

The tigers in Thailand get their food from killing and eating other animals such as monkeys, cattle, deer, pigs, and wild boars.

Relaxing Monkey

Can You See Tigers In Thailand?

You can see tigers in Thailand in zoos or in places like the Tiger Kingdom. To see wild tigers is rare but to have the chance you will need to visit the national parks that are known to have tigers.

Do Elephants Live In Thailand?

Yes, there are elephants in Thailand. Most of them live in northern Thailand, in particular, Chiang Mai where there are a lot of elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai. It is estimated to be about 2500 to 4000 elephants in Thailand.

The reason for a large number of elephant sanctuaries is that the elephants were trained with the use of hooks to break them in or hit the elephants to work mainly in the lumber industry.

Now that the elephants have retired or have been rescued are given a better life in the elephant sanctuaries in the northern region of Thailand.

Wrapping Up

Finally, there is a rough estimate of around 180 tigers thought to remain in the wild in Thailand’s national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Thailand is home to the Indochinese tiger, Malayan tiger, panthers, Indochinese and clouded leopard.

And that’s it for now! I’d love it if this post on are there tigers in Thailand was helpful to you. Let me know if you have any questions and let me know if there is more to add.

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are there tigers in Thailand
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