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Bali in Indonesia has been a popular island for tourists for a long time for a variety of reasons such as the beaches around the island, temples, nightlife, and so on. If you are a smoker that smokes e-cigarettes whether you are trying to quit smoking or because it is claimed that e-cigs are less harmful than smoking? Some countries have restrictions on vape products so Can you vape in Bali?

At present, there is no law in Bali that restricts the sale of vapes or vape products. And there are no restrictions on vaping in Bali. You will find plenty of vape shops around Bali. Also, you don’t need to worry about bringing your vape with you to Bali. Also, travelers are warned not to buy vape products from people on the street, or along beaches, as there had caused people to get sick.

In this post, we will go through whether you can vape in Bali. Let’s get started!

Learn More On Bali

Can You Vape In Bali?

Yes, there are no restrictions on vaping in Bali. There is no law in Indonesia that restricts the sale of vapes or vape products, so there are plenty of vape shops around Bali.

If planning on buying vaping products in Bali travelers are warned not to buy vape products from people on the street, or along beaches, as there had caused people to get sick. Buy them from reputable shops.

Menjangan Beach in Bali

Can You Bring A Vape Through Customs In Bali?

No, it shouldn’t be an issue at all, Carry it with you and place your liquids in your checked bags. Vaping devices are allowed only in carry-on baggage.

Are Vapes Allowed In Hand Luggage?

Generally speaking, most airlines allow e-cigarettes in hand luggage but not in the hold luggage. This includes refills and e-liquids. But you should check with the airline and the airport about their policy.

Obviously, you need to check the laws of the country you are traveling to, to make sure you are not breaking any laws.

Is It Safe To Drink Water In Bali?

No, it is NOT advised to drink tap water in Bali this is due to their lack of infrastructure needed to provide clean water from water sources such as the local rivers that have been polluted with domestic sewage, and agricultural waste. You should only drink bottled water.

Is Tipping Expected In Bali?

No, in Bali you are not expected to tip and it is not mandatory. There are restaurants that do add a service charge to the bill that can range from 5% to 20%. Some taxi drivers may demand a tip but just say no. The wages for locals in Bali are quite low, it is appreciated when you leave a small tip when you receive good service.

Wrapping Up

Finally, there is no law in Bali that restricts the sale of vapes or vape products. You will find plenty of vape shops around Bali. Also, you don’t need to worry about bringing your vape with you to Bali. Also, travelers are warned not to buy vape products from people on the street, or along beaches as there had caused people to get sick.

And that’s it for now! I’d love to know if this guide on whether you can vape in Bali has helped you. Let me know if you have any questions and let me know if there is more to add.

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Can You Vape In Bali
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